donderdag 17 september 2009

Top economist Jaap van Duijn about the crisis and horticulture

Interesting speech of general economic developments but also a little bit horticultural history. He said that this isn't the first crisis in glasshorticulture:
  • 1815-1830 (the Frensh period)
  • 1880:the first grape crisis
  • 1930: the great depression
  • 1950-1960: the end of the grape industry in Holland due to the new EEG
  • the energy crisis in the 70-ties
  • second energycrisis and also expensive labour in the beginning of the 80-ties
  • 2008-2011: financial crisis
The relation China-Europe-USA where mentioned by Van Duijn. China is in the lead. Note: Nobody speaks about the currancy powerplay between China and the USA. My question still is: Is China also in the lead on this aspect?

The time of mega scale glasshorticultural companies of over 50hecares is over. The future is more focussed on local-for-local and short distances to the customer. Personelly is think he is right and the consumer will also be more and more interested in sustainable fresh produce. And that goes beyond niche certicifiates like MPS or biological crop protection.

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